Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Tron Legacy (2010) | Movie Review | Second in Tron Movie Review Series
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
►Start with Your Guide to Tron Legacy https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/6h4grq/tron_legacy_BG83z3n.mp3
Disney shocked audiences when their cult hit Tron finally received a long anticipated sequel nearly 30 years later. While critics weren't entirely impressed, it did great at the box-office considering that it's a long dormant IP. Today, audiences consider the sequel to be just as good as the original. But why did it take so long for a sequel to materialize? Join Corbin as he reviews Tron: Legacy to find out!
Question after the show: Is Tron Legacy better than Tron?
►Email us your answers at silverscreenguide95@gmail.com!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
2010 & Sci-Fi Reviews!
►Tron Reviews
►Scott Pilgrim vs the World
►Avatar: The Last Airbender
►Catch up on Ghostbusters Reviews BEFORE we review Ghostbusters Afterlife
►The Karate Kid (2010)
►Birdemic: Shock and Terror
►Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench
►The Chronicles of Narnia 3
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Treadstone (Jason Bourne TV Show) (11/22)
►Ghostbusters: Afterlife (11/29)
►Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TV Show) (12/6)
►The Matrix (12/13)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:03:05 - Discussion
00:11:34 - Ratings/Recommendations
00:14:31 - What's Next for Tron?
00:18:08 - Closing
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Your Guide to Tron Legacy (2010)
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Disney shocked audiences when their cult hit Tron finally received a long anticipated sequel nearly 30 years later. While critics weren't entirely impressed, it did great at the box-office considering that it's a long dormant IP. Today, audiences consider the sequel to be just as good as the original. But why did it take so long for a sequel to materialize? Join Corbin as he guides you through the production, behind-the-scenes drama, box-office, and impact of Tron: Legacy to find out! Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the full review!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
2010 & Sci-Fi Reviews!
►Tron Reviews
►Scott Pilgrim vs the World
►Avatar: The Last Airbender
►Catch up on Ghostbusters Reviews BEFORE we review Ghostbusters Afterlife
►The Karate Kid (2010)
►Birdemic: Shock and Terror
►Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench
►The Chronicles of Narnia 3
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Tron Legacy (11/15)
►Treadstone (Jason Bourne TV Series) (11/22)
►Ghostbusters: Afterlife (11/29)
►Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (12/6)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Monday Nov 08, 2021
Tron (1982) | Movie Review | First in Tron Movie Review Series
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
►Start with Your Guide to Tron https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/sjynzz/tron_1982_BG9qs6j.mp3
In 1982, audience's imaginations were sparked when they saw computer graphics grace the big screen for the first time. Today, we take CGI as a given in our movies but back in the early 80's it was groundbreaking technology. Thankfully, Disney took a risk on this unproven director and concept--sparking a cult following that is still strong decades later. But at the time--were audiences ready to embrace the digital age? Join Corbin as he reviews Tron to find out!
Question after the show: Is Tron a classic or is it just a fun, 80’s sci-fi flick?
►Email us your answers at silverscreenguide95@gmail.com!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
1982 & Sci-Fi Reviews!
►All Dune Reviews
►Blade Runner Review
►First Blood Review
►Poltergeist Review
►Catch up on Ghostbusters Reviews BEFORE we review Ghostbusters Afterlife
►Halloween III Review
►Rocky 3 Review
►Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Review
►Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Review
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Tron Legacy (11/15)
►Treadstone (Jason Bourne TV Series) (11/22)
►Ghostbusters: Afterlife (11/29)
►Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (12/6)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:02:50 - Discussion
00:10:42 - Ratings/Recommendations
00:12:29 - Closing
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Your Guide to Tron (1982)
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
In 1982, audience's imaginations were sparked when they saw computer graphics grace the big screen for the first time. Today, we take CGI as a given in our movies but back in the early 80's it was groundbreaking technology. Thankfully, Disney took a risk on this unproven director and concept--sparking a cult following that is still strong decades later. But at the time--were audiences ready to embrace the digital age? Join Corbin as he guides you through the production, behind-the-scenes drama, box-office, and impact of Tron. Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the full review!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
1982 & Sci-Fi Reviews!
►All Dune Reviews
►Blade Runner Review
►First Blood Review
►Poltergeist Review
►Catch up on Ghostbusters Reviews BEFORE we review Ghostbusters Afterlife
►Halloween III Review
►Rocky 3 Review
►Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Review
►Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Review
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Tron (11/8)
►Tron Legacy (11/15)
►Treadstone (Jason Bourne TV Series) (11/22)
►Ghostbusters: Afterlife (11/29)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.