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Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Spoiler Discussion
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Listen to our spoiler filled discussion/review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Don’t listen if you haven’t seen the movie yet.
If you haven’t seen the movie and still want a review without the spoilers we got you covered. Come back to listen after you have seen Rogue One. Leave a comment of your favorite spoilerific moments!
Watch the video discussion on YouTube! Make sure to subscribe on YouTube for more great videos!

Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Ep 3 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - Movie Review
Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Welcome to my Star Wars: The Clone Wars Retrospective series where I will be reviewing all 121 episodes. I will not be reviewing the series in the order the episodes were aired, since they were actually aired out of order. I encourage you to follow along with me as we re-experience the magic of The Clone Wars.
NOTE*: I will be giving each episode between 1 to 5 clone helmets as a rating poor to great. See ratings of each episode.
Below is the official chronological episode guide released by StarWars.com