Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Monday May 13, 2019
The Village (2004) | Movie Review | M Night Shyamalan's Sixth Film
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Continuing to keep audiences guessing what his next film will be...Shyamalan shifted away from aliens and into the past with his quasi-creature feature, The Village. No one assumed Shyamalan's next film would tackle a period piece, nevertheless, he assembled a major all-star cast in this mystery, thriller with (in Corbin's opinion) his best twist since The Sixth Sense. Unfortunately, due to deceptive marketing audiences and critics turned on this film. 15 years later--Allen and Corbin go in blind with zero expectations...so does the film work better all these years later without the marketing? Join Corbin and Allen as they journey into Covington woods and beyond the forbidden forest to find out!
Question after the show: What did you think of the twist in The Village (no spoilers please!) and did it affect your viewing experience today or in 2004? Comment below!
Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss a new retrospective series next week! Men in Black just in time for Men in Black: International this summer!
There's still time to catch up on our previous M Night Shyamalan reviews! We'll be returning to Shyamalan's reviews in 4 weeks with Lady in the Water (the trailers of which scared Corbin silly when he was a kid!)
Background Info 00:02:22
Plot Summary 00:29:47
Discussion 00:33:36
Ratings 01:47:22
Closing 01:54:12
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday May 06, 2019
Signs (2002) | Movie Review | M Night Shyamalan's Fifth Film
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
After tackling the superhero genre, Shyamalan turned his camera towards the sky in search of aliens. Giving the Shyamalan spin on the extraterrestrial genre--Signs follows Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix as they protect their family and find their faith on a rural farm in Pennsylvania. Not surprisingly, Signs was a smash hit at the box office but does it hold up 17 years later? Join Corbin and Allen as they looks for signs of life in Shyamalan's hit alien flick!
Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the sixth installment in our M. Night Shyamalan Review Series with The Village--a very controversial film at the time! But is it still controversial today? We'll be starting a new retrospective series in 2 weeks! Men in Black just in time for Men in Black: International this summer!
Did you miss our Mad Max movie review series? We just reviewed the final installment which was nominated for 10 Oscars including Best Picture! Listen to our Mad Max Movie Review Series!
Our History 00:00:26
Background Info 00:03:38
Plot Summary 00:20:04
Discussion 00:23:41
Ratings 01:20:52
Closing 01:24:58
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Unbreakable (2000) | Movie Review | M Night Shyamalan's Fourth Film
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Following up his groundbreaking successful hit, The Sixth Sense, M. Night Shyamalan returned to the silver screen with something a bit different--no not a family, comedy movie or a ghost, thriller...instead he made a superhero movie. Retaining his newfound signature style from The Sixth Sense, Shyamalan crafted a superhero origin story like no one ever seen. Remember this is in the days before Marvel and DC have become massive hits--the very first X-Men film had just come out and Christopher Reeve's Superman film was already over two decades old. So how does Shyamalan's superhero sleeper hit Unbreakable hold up against the likes of the juggernaut Marvel? Join Corbin and Allen as they discuss M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable. Would you want to see Bruce Willis join the Avengers and face off against Thanos? Let us know in the comments section and what you think of the film!
Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the third installment in our Mad Max movie review series with Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome! After that we'll finish up Mad Max with Mad Max: Fury Road so catch up now! Then we'll return to Shyamalan with Signs and The Village. We'll be starting a new retrospective series in 5 weeks! Men in Black just in time for Men in Black: International!
Background Info 00:01:56
Summary 00:22:28
The Meat 00:26:24
Ratings 01:29:14
Closing 01:32:30
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Apr 08, 2019
The Sixth Sense (1999) | Movie Review | M Night Shyamalan's Third Film
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
In 1999, a little-known director by the name of M. Night Shyamalan took the cinema by storm with...Stuart Little...(read my review and please follow me on Letterboxd while you're at it).
Wait...no in 1999 M Night Shyamalan, a relatively unknown filmmaker, made headlines with an anything-but-little film called The Sixth Sense. What most remember as Shyamalan's first film was actually his third (technically fourth writing), but the film was a massive hit! At the box office it was the second highest grossing film of the year, just behind Star Wars Episode I and the film received 6 nominations at the Academy Awards including two nominations for Shyamalan and Best Picture. To overlook this film's impact on cinematic history would be unfortunate. Join Corbin and Allen as they use all 6 senses to reevaluate IMDB's 162nd greatest film of all time--M Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense.
Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the fourth installment in our M. Night Shyamalan retrospective movie review series Unbreakable and the continuation of our Mad Max movie review series with Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome!
Catch up on our M. Night Shyamalan retrospective series before our upcoming release of Unbreakable! Many don't know that Shyamalan had two films before The Sixth Sense so listen now to Praying with Anger and listen to Wide Awake!
Our History 00:03:58
Background Info 00:06:22
Summary 00:22:45
The Meat 00:27:16
Ratings 01:31:50
Closing 01:35:01
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Mar 11, 2019
Wide Awake (1998) | M Night Shyamalan's Second Film | Movie Review
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Six years after M. Night Shyamalan wrote, directed, and starred in his first feature film--he created his second film which explores a different side of his early life. Wide Awake tells the story of a young Catholic boy looking for God after the death of his grandfather. Not releasing in many theaters left this film missing from the public's conscience as one of Shyamalan's earliest films before his big break, The Sixth Sense, (review coming soon!). Join Corbin and Allen to find out whether they stay wide awake for Shyamalan's second film!
Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the first installment in our Mad Max retrospective movie review series and our upcoming review of Pet Semetary and the continuation of our M. Night Shyamalan movie review series with The Sixth Sense!
Allen and Corbin each had birthdays recently--listen to their picks for what they wanted to review on their birthday!
Corbin chose the Harrison Ford film, Regarding Henry, and Allen chose the Adam Driver film, Paterson--both major Star Wars characters!
Background Info 00:02:53
Summary 00:13:56
The Meat 00:19:24
Rating 01:26:27
Closing 01:29:30
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Mar 04, 2019
Praying with Anger (1992) | M Night Shyamalan's First Film | Movie Review
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
At the young age of 22, now controversial filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan, wrote, directed, and acted in his first feature film Praying with Anger. For his first theatrical outing he explores his ancestry, tackles India's biggest issues, and questions the meaning of one's place and purpose in this world...yeah it's a large undertaking especially for his first film right out of college. Many of you may be wondering, "Isn't The Sixth Sense his first film?" No, technically this film did premiere at a number of festivals and then his second film Wide Awake (review coming next week) had a small theatrical distribution and that same year he wrote the beloved family film, Stuart Little, and THEN the following year The Sixth Sense arrived establishing Shyamalan as a serious, wunderkind filmmaker. But...is his first film a satisfying masterpiece? Join Corbin and Allen as they discuss Praying with Anger! If you would like to watch the movie the only place is YouTube! Once you watch the film leave your comments below on what you thought of his first movie!
Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the next installment--the often forgotten Wide Awake--in our M. Night Shyamalan review series!
Allen and Corbin each had birthdays recently--listen to their picks for what they wanted to review on their birthday!
Corbin chose the Harrison Ford film, Regarding Henry, and Allen chose the Adam Driver film, Paterson--both major Star Wars characters!
Background Info 00:02:00
Summary 00:09:17
The Meat 00:12:05
Ratings 01:10:19
Closing 01:14:09
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.