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Monday Aug 27, 2018
Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) | Movie Review
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
It turns out what Steven Spielberg thought was the last crusade, in fact, was simply the third installment in the franchise. Spielberg's co-creator for Indiana Jones, George Lucas, had other plans. Ever since the third film wrapped, Lucas wanted to figure a way to bring Indy back to the big screen. Well, in early 2000, Lucas got his wish when he convinced the original creators and actor Harrison Ford to return for an adventure...this time involving space aliens? After close to a decade of working on the story, audiences young and old (re)discovered their favorite treasure hunting charmer in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Is this 21st-century installment enough to woo audiences back to a two-decade dormant franchise? Join Corbin and Allen to find out!
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Intro 00:00:00
Summary 00:28:43
The Meat 00:36:07
Ratings 02:03:34
Indiana Jones 5 Info 02:10:14
Closing 02:12:51

Monday Aug 20, 2018
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989) | Movie Review
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
5 years after the mixed reaction of Temple of Doom, Spielberg and Lucas reunited once again to give the beloved Indiana Jones one last adventure (or so they thought). Bringing the character back to his roots, along with bringing back memorable characters and reintroducing old ones; Indy finds himself once again searching for a mystical Christian artifact. The film did great at the box office and has since reached prestige as the IMDB users' 111th greatest film of all time. Does this classic still hold up just shy of 30 years later? In fact, does this third installment surpass Raiders of the Lost Ark? Join Corbin and Allen as they discuss Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade to find out!
Intro 00:00:00
Our History 00:00:26
Background Info 00:01:49
Summary 00:16:48
The Meat 00:23:47
Ratings 01:44:04
Few More Thoughts 01:48:17
Closing 01:51:37

Monday Aug 13, 2018
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) | Movie Review
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Following the massive success of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Spielberg and Lucas teamed up once again to craft a fresh and exciting adventure for everyone's favorite treasure hunting professor. Three years after the first film, this movie takes place as a prequel of sorts, placing Indy in the mysterious India with a brand new cast of characters. What begins as a cartoonish adventure, rapidly descends into a festival of paganist horror that had parents up-in-arms. The dark nature of this movie actually led Spielberg to push for the invention and implementation of the PG-13 rating; which would be used only three months later on the movie Red Dawn. So with this installment having radical tone shifts and a paganist worldview is this still a worthy successor and one you should watch? Join Corbin and Allen as they delve into the temple of doom to find out!
Intro 00:00:00
Background Info 00:01:28
Controversey 00:12:45
More Background Info 00:18:16
Summary 00:23:06
The Meat 00:29:33
Final Thoughts 01:32:35
Closing 01:38:24

Monday Jul 30, 2018
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) | Movie Review
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
After the success of Jaws and the success of Star Wars, two of cinema's most inventive titans, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas (longtime friends), came together to create one of cinema's most famous icons...Indiana Jones. Drawing from old serials and Charleton Heston's little-known character Harry Steele, Lucas and Spielberg formed a wholly original tale of mystery, adventure, and excitement. Raiders of the Lost Ark took audiences by storm. The two had another hit on their hands and Harrison Ford's character would rival his other famous role Han Solo. How does Raiders of the Lost Ark stack up against Lucas' and Spielberg's other classic creations? Join Corbin and Allen as they kick off their Indiana Jones retrospective series to find out!