Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Thursday May 27, 2021
Your Guide to Incendies (2011)
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Only two years after Denis's comeback to cinema, his fourth film finally received the Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Film. Although it did not win, it went on to receive incredible critical acclaim. Still today, it is considered one of the greatest films of all time. Before Denis's latest film Dune, releasing this October, join Corbin and Allen as they guide you through the production, behind-the-scenes drama, box-office, and impact of Denis's fourth film Incendies. Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the full review!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Reviews of other Great Directors!
►Catch up on Denis Villeneuve Movie Reviews
►All Christopher Nolan Movie Reviews
►The Dark Knight Rises Movie Review
►All M. Night Shyamalan Movie Reviews
►Denis's Blade Runner 2049 Review
►Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews
►Catch up on A Quiet Place before our new review
►Krisha Movie Review
►Regarding Henry Movie Review
►Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Movie Review
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Incendies (5/31)
►A Quiet Place Part II (6/7)
►Kung Fu Panda (6/14)
►Kung Fu Panda 2 (6/21)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Monday May 24, 2021
Polytechnique (2009) | Movie Review | Denis Villeneuve's Third Film
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Start with Your Guide to Polytechnique https://silverscreenguide.podbean.com/e/your-guide-to-polytechnique-2009/
After taking a 9 year hiatus from filmmaking, visionary Canadian filmmaker, Denis Villeneuve, is back with a his first black-and-white non-fiction film. Recounting the events of the Polytechnique school shooting, this slim 77 minute movie takes an intimate look at a heartbreaking day in Canadian history. Is this Denis film too heartbreaking to handle? Before Denis's latest film Dune, releasing this October, join Corbin and Allen as they review Polytechnique to find out!
Question after the show: If you’re outside of Canada have you heard of this event?
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Reviews of Other Great Directors + 2009 Reviews!
►All Christopher Nolan Movie Reviews
►All M. Night Shyamalan Movie Reviews
►Denis's Blade Runner 2049 Review
►Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews
►Chazelle Review--Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench
►Rob Zombie's Halloween II
►Star Trek (2009)
►Terminator Salvation
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Incendies (5/31)
►A Quiet Place Part II (6/7)
►Kung Fu Panda (6/14)
►Kung Fu Panda 2 (6/21)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:09:17 - Plot Summary
00:10:33 - Discussion
00:52:42 - Ratings/Recommendations
00:59:42 - Closing
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Thursday May 20, 2021
Your Guide to Polytechnique (2009)
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
After taking a 9 year hiatus from filmmaking, visionary Canadian filmmaker, Denis Villeneuve, is back with a his first black-and-white non-fiction film. Recounting the events of the Polytechnique school shooting, this slim 77 minute movie takes an intimate look at a heartbreaking day in Canadian history. Before Denis's latest film Dune, releasing this October, join Corbin and Allen as they guide you through the production, behind-the-scenes drama, box-office, and impact of Denis's third film Polytechnique. Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the full review!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Reviews of Other Great Directors + 2009 Reviews!
►All Christopher Nolan Movie Reviews
►All M. Night Shyamalan Movie Reviews
►Denis's Blade Runner 2049 Review
►Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews
►Chazelle Review--Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench
►Rob Zombie's Halloween II
►Star Trek (2009)
►Terminator Salvation
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Polytechnique (5/24)
►Incendies (5/31)
►Kung Fu Panda (6/7)
►Kung Fu Panda 2 (6/14)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
►Start with Your Guide to Maelstrom
Two years after his critical success at the film festivals, Denis began working on a strange hyper-realistic fantasy, where a talking fish recounts the tragic romance of a young fashionista. This may be Denis's strangest film but is this lost early entry his best? Before Denis's latest film Dune, releasing this October, join Corbin and Allen as they review Maelstrom to find out!
Question after the show: If you had a talking fish would you listen to it or just chop its head off?
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Reviews of Other Great Directors + '00's Reviews!
►All Christopher Nolan Movie Reviews
►Memento (2000)--Nolan Review
►All M. Night Shyamalan Movie Reviews
►Unbreakable (2000)--M. Night Review
►Denis's Blade Runner 2049 Review
►Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Polytechnique (5/24)
►Incendies (5/31)
►Kung Fu Panda (6/7)
►Kung Fu Panda 2 (6/14)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:06:38 - Plot Summary
00:08:35 - Discussion
00:59:32 - Ratings/Recommendations
01:15:50 - Closing
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Your Guide to Maelstrom (2000)
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Two years after his critical success at the film festivals, Denis began working on a strange hyper-realistic fantasy, where a talking fish recounts the tragic romance of a young fashionista. This may be Denis's strangest film but is this lost early entry his best?Before Denis's latest film Dune, releasing this October, join Corbin as he guides you through the production, behind-the-scenes drama, box-office, and impact of Maelstrom. Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the full review!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Reviews of other Great Directors + '00's Reviews!
►All Christopher Nolan Movie Reviews
►Memento (2000)--Nolan Review
►All M. Night Shyamalan Movie Reviews
►Unbreakable (2000)--M. Night Review
►Denis's Blade Runner 2049 Review
►Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Maelstrom (5/17)
►Polytechnique (5/24)
►Incendies (5/31)
►Kung Fu Panda (6/7)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Monday May 10, 2021
August 32nd on Earth (1998) | Movie Review | Denis Villeneuve's First Film
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
►Start with Your Guide to August 32nd on Earth https://silverscreenguide.podbean.com/e/your-guide-to-august-32nd-on-earth-1998/
French Canadian director, Denis Villeneuve, is today considered one of the most epic, visionary filmmakers of our age. But 23 years ago, no one had yet heard of this young filmmaker from Quebec. Despite failing to earn a Best Foreign Language nomination from the Academy Awards, August 32nd still received modest critical success. Releasing his first film the same year that Christopher Nolan released his first film, many today see the two directors as the best in business. We've reviewed all of Nolan's films (so far), now before we review Denis's latest film Dune, releasing this October, we go back to the beginning to ask is Denis's first film a forgotten gem or an amateurish first attempt? Join Corbin and Allen as they review August 32nd on Earth to find out!
Question after the show: If you had a near death experience would you live life to its fullest or just be more precautious?
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Reviews of Other Great Directors + '98 Reviews!
►All Christopher Nolan Movie Reviews
►Following (1998) Nolan Movie Review
►All M. Night Shyamalan Movie Reviews
►Wide Awake (1998) M. Night Movie Review
►Denis's Blade Runner 2049 Review
►Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews
►Halloween: H20 Movie Review
►Star Trek: Insurrection Movie Review
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Maelstrom (5/17)
►Polytechnique (5/24)
►Incendies (5/31)
►Kung Fu Panda (6/7)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:07:48 - Plot Summary
00:10:34 - Discussion
00:36:55 - Ratings/Recommendations
00:47:16 - Closing
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Thursday May 06, 2021
Your Guide to August 32nd on Earth (1998)
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
French Canadian director, Denis Villeneuve, is today considered one of the most epic, visionary filmmakers of our age. But 23 years ago, no one had yet heard of this young filmmaker from Quebec. Despite failing to earn a Best Foreign Language nomination from the Academy Awards, August 32nd still received modest critical success. Releasing his first film the same year that Christopher Nolan released his first film, many today see the two directors as the best in business. We've reviewed all of Nolan's films (so far), now before Denis's latest film Dune, releasing this October, join Corbin and Allen as they guide you through the production, behind-the-scenes drama, box-office, and impact of August 32nd on Earth. Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss the full review!
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Reviews of Other Great Directors + '98 Reviews!
►All Christopher Nolan Movie Reviews
►Following (1998) Nolan Movie Review
►All M. Night Shyamalan Movie Reviews
►Wide Awake (1998) M. Night Movie Review
►Denis's Blade Runner 2049 Review
►Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews
►Halloween: H20 Movie Review
►Star Trek: Insurrection Movie Review
Upcoming reviews:
*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
Explore the 2021 Release Schedule: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvSJyeB_0tpjqF91rmeMeRl2AMtx?e=0T114q
Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►August 32nd on Earth (5/10)
►Maelstrom (5/17)
►Polytechnique (5/24)
►Incendies (5/31)
►Support the podcast | Get bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/silverscreenguide
Follow SSG on your favorite platforms!
Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.