Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
A mere 16 months after Nolan's blockbuster hit Batman Begins, he decided to take step back in time to create a twisted story about warring magicians at the turn of the century with a bit of historical fiction for good taste. The director stuck with Christian Bale (Batman) and Michael Kane (Alfred) but brought on Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) for good measure. With a smaller budget, smaller opening weekend, and smaller worldwide gross--audiences and critics left the theater (or never went) scratching their heads wondering why Nolan took a pit stop from the dark knight to create a long period piece. At the time audiences considered Batman Begins to be a far better movie, but time has been kind to this film; now, audiences view The Prestige the as 47th greatest film of all time. 14 years later do the twists and turns still enthrall Corbin and Allen or do they find the film just a bit stuffy? Join Corbin and Allen as they review The Prestige to find out!
Join the discussion-Comment below! Question after the show: Are you watching closely?
Subscribe to the podcast because next week we're reviewing Chris Nolan's sixth film The Dark Knight (2006).
Wondering what to listen to next? If you enjoyed this review, then here are some of Corbin and Allen's recommendations!
*-->Terminator Reviews all episodes now streaming
*-->Catch up on previous Christopher Nolan movie reviews!
*-->Looking for another wunderkind director? Listen to our Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews!
*-->Looking for another incredible twist? Listen to our review of The Sixth Sense!
Click on the links below to subscribe and explore more great content from Silver Screen Guide!
00:02:45-->Background Info
00:26:45-->Plot Summary
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
3 years after the soft success of the murder-mystery remake of Insomnia, Nolan approached Warner Brothers with his idea of doing a Batman film. Considering Insomnia was produced by Warner Bros. and Nolan heard rumors they were looking to reboot the franchise after the abysmal Batman & Robin--the young director thought he could do it. Being Nolan's most expensive and highest profile film at the time--he had a lot to lose. Well...the rest is history folks. Batman Begins officially set Nolan on the map as the next greatest director of our time and thankfully his film scrubbed the bad taste out of everyone's mouth by bringing the caped crusader back into audiences good graces. 15 years later does the 7th theatrically released Batman film bring back all the nostalgia the 10 year old Allen and Corbin felt or is it just a fine installment in the long running series? Join Corbin and Allen as they review Batman Begins to find out!
Join the discussion-Comment below! Question after the show: Did you see Batman Begins in the theater? Was your memory positive or negative?
Subscribe to the podcast because next week we're reviewing Chris Nolan's fifth film The Prestige (2006).
Wondering what to listen to next? If you enjoyed this review, then here are some of Corbin and Allen's recommendations!
*-->Terminator Reviews all episodes now streaming
*-->Looking for another wunderkind director? Listen to our Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews!
*-->Looking for more super hero movie reviews? Listen to our Marvel reviews!
Click on the links below to subscribe and explore more great content from Silver Screen Guide!
00:04:17-->Background Info
00:30:38-->Plot Summary
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Just a year after Nolan's sophomore, sleeper hit Memento made him a serious contender at the Oscars, his third film was given a much bigger budget and an Oscar winning cast. Backed by big time Hollywood hits George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh, Nolan directed a remake of a 5 year old Norwegian film of the same name and premise. Being the only film Nolan didn't write, receiving critical appraise but a lukewarm reception at the box office; this is one of the director's oft-forgotten about films. 18 years later should audiences wake up to go watch this film or is it best to let it sleep? Join Corbin and Allen as they review Insomnia to find out!
Join the discussion-Comment below! Question after the show: Is Robin Williams miscast in this film? Why or why not?
Subscribe to the podcast because next week we're reviewing Chris Nolan's fourth film Batman Begins (2005).
Wondering what to listen to next? If you enjoyed this review, then here are some of Corbin and Allen's recommendations!
*-->Terminator Reviews all episodes now streaming
*-->Looking for another wunderkind director? Listen to our Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews!
*-->Looking for cops and robbers but want it more light-hearted? Check out our James Bond Guide!
Click on the links below to subscribe and explore more great content from Silver Screen Guide!
00:05:52-->Background Info
00:18:36-->Plot Summary
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
After Nolan's extreme indie hit, Following, him and his brother decided to adapt a short story his brother wrote titled Memento Mori. Following in the steps of Quentin Tarantino by telling a non-linear story, Nolan went even further by telling part of the story chronologically in black and white and the other half in color in reverse order. This brilliant, inventive method garnered him his first Academy Award nomination for Writing. Comfortably residing in the top 100 greatest films of all time, Nolan's sophomore sleeper hit isn't one audiences have forgotten. Join Corbin and Allen as they review Memento to find out how unforgettable this film truly is.
Join the discussion-Comment below! Question after the show: What is your first memory of experiencing Memento? Why or why not?
Subscribe to the podcast because next week we're reviewing Chris Nolan's third film Insomnia (2002).
Wondering what to listen to next? If you enjoyed this review, then here are some of Corbin and Allen's recommendations!
*-->Terminator Reviews all episodes now streaming
*-->Looking for another wunderkind director? Listen to our Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews!
*-->Looking for a director of Nolan's caliber? Listen to Corbin's review of Phantom Thread
Click on the links below to subscribe and explore more great content from Silver Screen Guide!
00:01:29-->Background Info
00:25:06-->Plot Summary
01:17:33-->Memento's Future
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
In early 1998, young 28 year old Christopher Nolan, debuted his first film, Following, to a few film festivals in the United States and the United Kingdom. He never went to film school but instead got his degree in English (just like co-host Corbin). He made his film for only $6,000 (an unheard of sum). At the time, no one had ever heard of him...today...he is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of his generation. Join Corbin and Allen as they embark on reviewing all 10 of Christopher Nolan's films, leading up to his "event" blockbuster this summer, Tenet. 22 years later, does young Nolan's first film hint at the genius to come or does its un-theatrical 70 minute length spell "amateur"? Join Corbin and Allen as they review Following to find out!
Join the discussion-Comment below! Question after the show: Would you believe Christopher Nolan never went to film school? Why or why not
Subscribe to the podcast because next week we're reviewing Memento (2001), Chris Nolan's second film!
Wondering what to listen to next? If you enjoyed this review, then here are some of Corbin and Allen's recommendations!
*-->Terminator Movie Reviews all episodes now streaming
*-->Looking for another wunderkind director? Listen to our Damien Chazelle Movie Reviews!
*-->Looking for another black & white crime noir film? Listen to our review of The Maltese Falcon
*-->Looking for a director of Nolan's caliber? Listen to Corbin's review of Phantom Thread
Click on the links below to subscribe and explore more great content from Silver Screen Guide!
01:29-->Background Info
19:49-->Plot Summary
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.