Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Friday Dec 25, 2020
A Christmas Story (1983) | Movie Review | 4th Annual Christmas Special
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Merry Christmas listeners! Join Corbin and Allen for their 4th Annual Christmas Special as they review the Christmas classic Jean Shepherd's A Christmas Story.
Question after the show: Did you ever want or actually get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas?
Find Out What We're Watching Every Week:
►Corbin's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/cwriley95/
►Allen's Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/rankineugallen/
Our Recommended Reviews From The Archives:
►Past Christmas Specials
►Catch up on the Rocky Series
►The Karate Kid Movie Review Series
►Back to the Future Movie Review Series
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*Due to COVID-19 episode release dates are subject to change*
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Subscribe to the podcast to hear these exciting upcoming reviews!
►Creed II (12/28)
►Allen's Birthday Pick: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (1/4)
►Tenet (1/11)
►Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (1/18)
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Also available on Deezer, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, and Castbox
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:16:00 - Plot Summary
00:17:22 - Discussion
01:00:00 - Ratings
1:04:07 - A Christmas Story Sequels
01:08:33 - Closing
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows, and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow our YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with classics. We love talking about movies and we love talking about them with you. When you follow us on your favorite platforms and share with your friends you'll never miss your guide to the silver screen.

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Merry Christmas listeners! 30 years ago, in 1989, right before the start of a new and final decade for the 20th century, moviegoers got a treat that Christmas season as they went with America's favorite family, the Griswolds, on Christmas vacation. Written by the prolific John Hughes (who wrote Home Alone one year later) and starring the hilarious Chevy Chase plus an all-star cast--Christmas Vacation has become ingrained in our cultural zeitgeist as a ridiculous but all-too-realistic portrait of families getting together for the Christmas holiday. Join Corbin and Allen this Christmas Day as they review National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!
Join the discussion-Comment below! Question after the show: What's your favorite Christmas memory?
Listen to past Christmas Specials! (click here)
Subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss Allen's birthday pick special review (Krisha coming January 6th)!
On New Years Day we will be releasing our first filmmaker special review.
Our review of Jacob's Ladder (2019) releases January 13th--listen to our review of the original 1990 film!
On January 20th we begin our Back to the Future Movie Review Series!
We reviewed all 13 Star Trek films--listen to all episodes now! (click here)
Click on the links below to subscribe and explore more great content from Silver Screen Guide!
00:02:44.639-->Background Info
00:10:48.015-->Our History
00:24:18.513-->Plot Summary
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Miracle on 34th Street (1947) | Christmas Special | Movie Review
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Merry Christmas listeners! For this Christmas season, Allen and I are ending the year with a review of a beloved Christmas classic, Miracle on 34th Street (1947). This movie has been special to me since childhood whereas this is Allen's first time watching it. Relax with a cup of hot cocoa, a warm blanket, and join Corbin and Allen as they discuss this wonderful Christmas film Miracle on 34th Street! Let us know your favorite Christmas movie in the comment section below!
Subscribe to the podcast for our upcoming Best & Worst Of podcast where Allen and I discuss the Best and Worst movies of 2018 and look back in this year in cinema!!
Still in the Christmas spirit? I know I am! Listen to last years Christmas Special It's a Wonderful Life!
Background Info 00:05:23
Summary 00:15:58
The Meat 00:20:46
Ratings 01:16:42
Closing 01:18:24
Silver Screen Guide is dedicated to delivering the best guides and reviews for movies, TV shows and video games. Follow our podcast for a new movie review every Monday and follow this YouTube channel for reviews and guides of brand new movies along with some classics. When you follow us on social media and share with your friends you’ll never miss a beat.

Monday Dec 25, 2017
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) | Movie Review | Christmas Special
Monday Dec 25, 2017
Monday Dec 25, 2017
Merry Christmas listeners! Today we start a new tradition with the release of our first Christmas Special. Next year we will do more shows for certain holidays. We felt a great beginning for the tradition would to give you all a review of It's a Wonderful Life...a film near and dear to both of our hearts. We hope you'll enjoy this special Christmas themed episode with us and enjoy celebrating your holiday! Merry Christmans and a Happy New Year!